TAU Law Review Volume 43



  • Aya Omessi, Adan Tatour & Omer Ein Habar “The Past Comes Knocking on Law’s Doors”:On the Commitment of Law Reviews to the Development of Legal Discourse


  • Mickey Zar As Strong as Death Foreword to her translation of Robert Cover,Violence and the Word, 95 Yale L.J. 1601   [Abstract]


  • Robert M. Cover Violence and the Word

  • Eliav Lieblich Between the Paradigms: Israel’s Rules of Engagement around the Gaza Fence under International Law in light of Recent Supreme Court Jurisprudence [Abtract]


  • Aeyal Gross Close Control, Remote Control: The Legal Status of Gaza and the Functional Approach to Occupation  [Abstract]


  • Roy Schöndorf & Eran Shamir-Borer The (In)applicability of the Law of Occupation to the Gaza Strip [Abstrat]


  • Hala Khoury-Bisharat The Ongoing Gaza Blockade as a Means of Effective Control [Abtract]


  • Eyal Benvenisti “When thou shalt besiege a city a long time…thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof” – On Proportionality during Long-Term Siege [Abtract]


  • Eyal Benvenisti -Book Review Shelly L. Fried, “They are not coming back”: the crystallization of Israeli foreign policy toward possible solutions of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947-1956: from the UN partition resolution to the Suez campaign The Right of Return as a Strawman [Abstract]

  • Arnon Golan They Shall Not Return, The Day After: Israel, the Palestinian Refugees and the “Abandoned Property” [Abstract]


  • Hassan Jabareen Criticism of the Study of the Law in Israel [Abstract]



            Gaza and the Law – Arabic Table of Contents and Abstracts

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