Dine Israel Volume 37

Dine Israel Volume 37



Articles in English


Judah D. Galinsky

The Original Layout of the Semak: A Chapter in the Development of the Glossed Hebrew Book

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Shoval Shafat

The Contribution of Jewish Law to the Israeli Legal Doctrine of Prisoners’ Rights

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Avinoam Sharon

When an Injury is not an Injury

Bailments, Pledges and Judicial Authority in Bavli Sanhedrin 2a–3a

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Abstracts for the heb article


Netanel Dagan and David Sabato

The Duality of the Offender’s Confession in Jewish Penal Law: Between Divine and Human Law



Sagit Mor

Editorial Considerations for Halakhic Aggregates: A Literary-Jurisprudential Study of the ‘On Account of the Ways of Peace’ Aggregate in the Mishnah (Gittin 5, 9–10)



Israel J. Cohen

“A Prohibition Does Not Apply to a Prohibition”:

A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Halakhic Laws



Nir Vargon

Three Phases of Notification (moda‘ah) Reflecting

Three Periods within the Geonic Era



Ben-Zion Ahiya Ovadia

Law, Halakhah and Metaphysics: The ‘Nemukei Yosef’ and Individuation of Actions as a Case Study



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